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Bremen VFW Post 2791

Post Meetings
The Post meets the Second Tuesday of every month, starting at 7 P.M.
Monday Morning Coffee Social open to all Members, free Coffee and Donuts. Starts at 8 A.M.
Groups that meet at the VFW
-VFW Auxiliary
-Korean War Veterans
-American Veterans Motorcycle Riders Association
-Marine Corps League
-Band of Brothers
Meeting Dates
-VFW Meeting 2nd Tuesday of each month
-VFW Auxiliary 1st Monday of each month
-Korean War Veterans 1st Thursday of each month
-Submariners 1st Saturday of each month
-American Veterans Motorcycle Riders Association
2nd Wednesday of each month
-Marine Corps League 3rd Monday of each month
-Band of Brothers no set dates, normally on Mondays
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